Nest-A | ‘Magical Power'

Born on 12-04-2024

Power had her first litter on April 12, 2024. For this litter I work together with Thamara Tax from Kennel We Are One. We chose ‘Templehall Cymru’ van Kennel Nature Mind to be the father of this litter. We fell for his calm, stable and social character, which he is known to pass on to his offspring.

We expect very sweet, social and owner-oriented puppies. Power has hidden Merle, so it could be that (hidden) Merle puppies are born from this combination. Cymru comes from a real working line, so the puppies will certainly have a work drive. We therefore expect that the new owners will work with these puppies in sheep herding, agility or another dog sport/activity. The puppies grow up in the home and will be socialized as extensively as possible.

The puppies receive an FCI pedigree from the Dutch Kennel Club and are free of all hereditary testable diseases.

Pregnancy confirmed


The vet took an ultrasound of Power's abdomen. It soon became clear that the mating was successful and that Power is pregnant with puppies. For now we assume that 5 puppies will grow. There may still be one hidden.

Slowly everything feels more and more real. We're already halfway there. We only know how many puppies there will actually be at birth. So just have to be patient, but I am really happy with this good news.

Nest A | 3 female - 3 male

Day 1: Birth


he last days took the longest, although I wonder for whom: Power or myself. In the last week several nights passed during which no puppies were born. Suddenly, Friday, April 12, came into view: the day on which Power herself came into the world 4 years ago. It wouldn't, would it?! But yes: The first signs that it was actually going to happen came at 11:30 am. We thought that things wouldn't go that fast and that we would still have the whole afternoon, but as the entire process surrounding this pregnancy had gone so far, puppies were born much faster than expected.

Around 2:15 PM Power suddenly came up, pushed a few times and the first puppy was born. My son and I were her witnesses. How magical!.. and also a bit exciting for the first time. Puppy 2 soon followed and less than 2 hours later the new mother was lying with her 6 beautiful babies as if she had already given birth to countless litters before. I am proud..

Day 6: Start Socialisation

The puppies are almost a week old and they are growing so fast. It won't be long before some puppies will have reached double their birth weight.

The first 2 nights it was still a bit of a search for everyone. The first night the heat lamp was too hot for Power, causing her to show some stress. The second night we decided to leave it off but to increase the temperature of the heating in the house. The puppies appeared to be able to do without the heat lamp until the house had cooled down the most around 4:00 am. From night 3 we had the right balance. Then Power also started to get used to her 6 new children and there was visibly more peace in the whole.

On day 6 I started the first exercises in Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS). These are a total of 5 exercises to promote the socialization of puppies. During these exercises, puppies experience a mild form of stress. This stress helps stimulate the neurological system, which stimulates the growth and development of the puppy's immune system, cardiovascular system and stress resistance. Research has shown that ENS puppies as adult dogs can handle exciting situations better than dogs that were not neurologically stimulated as puppies.

The puppies still have to get used to being picked up and protest a lot. So I take them easy and therefore don't do all the exercises on the first day.

Unfortunately, due to limited upload capacity, I cannot post videos on both the Dutch and English pages.
If you would like to see the videos about day 6 please go to the
dutch page. Scroll down to ‘Dag 6: Start Socialisatie’

Dag 28: In dutch we would say: ‘Life in the brewery’


‘Leven in de brouwerij’ can be translated as: 'create a buzz', 'liven things up', 'break through the dullness'. And this certainly applies to the phase the puppies are in now.

Tomorrow the puppies will be 4 weeks old already. How time flies. Suddenly their eyes were open, they started walking, they could drink while mommy stayed standing, they started playing with each other, the first solid food went in and now I even have to make sure they don't climb out over the whelping box gate. . I no longer sleep right next to the whelping box to make room so they can have more space to play.

The mutual characters are already becoming a bit clear. I regularly hear some humming and growling, which means that they are testing who is the strongest. It is wonderful to witness that. I try to get as much of it as possible because I realize that now that they are 4 weeks old, I’m at the half of the time I have with them.

  • ❤️ Puppy Pink


  • ❤️ Puppy Purple


  • ❤️ Puppy Blue


  • 💙 Puppy Green


  • 💙 Puppy Orange


  • 💙 Puppy Yellow


Week 7:


  • ❤️ Puppy Pink


  • ❤️ Puppy Purple


  • ❤️ Puppy Blue


  • 💙 Puppy Green


  • 💙 Puppy Orange


  • 💙 Puppy Yellow
